Wednesday 12 May 2010

How did the use of new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage.

• Research was conducted using questionnaires which offered a sound idea of what their preference in music was and the ways in which they feel I can effectively advertise my work. The focus group helped me gather the precise opinions of my target audience and key expressions to refer to in my evaluation e.g. ‘innovative’ and ‘unique’, which we then noted and use when developing our product, effectively improving the quality of our research.

• Planning the video involved creating a video diary where we listed all the production events taking place and any advancements made in the music video e.g. when, where and what times to meet up and film specific scenes at a variety of locations .

• Using a storyboard we sketched the foundation scenes of the video storyline. This helped us when filming so we knew what scenes we had to do as we went along , this storyboard was then scanned onto our blogs via the internet demonstrating thorough planning.

• For our preliminary task we use Adobe Premiere making a short film which helped us experience the difficulties that may arise when using the programme and helped developed my filming skills as I practiced using a range of shot sizes from close ups to wide shots. This task also helped develop my editing skills in cutting and reordering footage and putting in place relevant editing effects e.g. dip to black or cross zoom. This substantially contributed to the outcome of our final music video as with the practice gained from the preliminary task we were able to overcome problems with screen composition and time remapping when working on our music video on the Adobe Premiere program.

• During the planning stage we used new media technologies e.g. video camera and Adobe Premier Pro which made us familiar with the programmes which helped making the final music video easier. Via the internet we were able to upload information onto our blogs to improve the quality of our evidence for planning and evaluation. We also embedded ‘Youtube’ links onto our blog essays to strengthen the quality and precision of our planning and research documentation.

• During the evaluation stage we use new media technologies e.g. Slide Share and blog comments to improve and enhance the clarity of our media product. Noting the responses from our focus group in notebooks, we effectively demonstrated thorough audience research and allowed easily accessible evidence of criticisms which we could refer to when producing our final media product. All in all this contributed to the completion of our music video, poster and CD cover as well as helping to improve the quality and clarity of our planning and research as a whole.

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