Wednesday 12 May 2010

Audience Feedback..

• From my audience feedback I have learned that my media product successfully follows the conventions of the niche genre as it was described as an “innovative piece of creativity” and “unique”. Taking into consideration I researched the views of both mainstream and niche audience members, I learned how the two different audiences interpreted specific aspects of the video e.g. the hint that the two main characters maybe homosexual was because of the ambiguity surrounding their relationship.

• The idea of The London eye was favoured amongst both focus groups as it is a location they can identify with ,teaching us that famous landmarks work exceptionally well when identifying and associating with my target audience 16-25 year olds.

• The editing technique of ‘dip to black’ was slightly overwhelming and made the video seem “long” and “drawn out” as commented by an audience member. This taught me to adopt new techniques in portraying a scene change and use more of a variety of editing techniques to signify these scene changes.

• Another, and very popular criticism was the idea that the two main characters were homosexual, the mainstream heterosexual audience members seemed very sceptical about the idea that this could be a “lesbian love story”. However, it was taken more light-heartedly by the women in the niche audience focus group ,as they saw it as an “interesting expression of love” between the two women.

• Mainstream audience members found the hints of homosexuality difficult to relate to, however, the idea of betrayal they seemed to identify with. This taught me that I needed to adopt a more subtle strategy when addressing the relationship between the two female main characters and I need to portray them in a maybe a more detached manner as the closeness between the two can be misconceived .

• Researching members from my niche target audience they saw the video as “a brilliantly conformed piece” and described the sense of the two women being homosexual as simply just a “close relationship” rather than an intimate one. However the male members of the niche audience found the women relationship “a little too close” informing us that we should “tone down” the intensity of the main singer’s retaliation to the betrayal.

• Overall both audiences agreed that the video was “wicked”, “very interesting” and “very entertaining” , the majority of them highly favoured the fast forwarding at the end and the text on the black background that introduced the video at the beginning and closed the video at the end.

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