Friday 13 November 2009


Please choose the boxes which are applicable to you.Quantitative Research: questionnaire for 30 people

1. Gender? (Tick appropriate):

[ ] Male or [ ] Female

2. Age range? (tick appropriate)

13-15 [ ] 16-18 [ ] 19-21 [ ] 22+ [ ]

3. Gender? (tick appropriate)

Male{[ ] Female [ ]

4. What type of music genres do you listen to? (Multiple choices allowed)

Rock [ ] R&B [ ] Pop [ ] Hip-Hop [ ] Dance [ ] Classical [ ] Heavy Metal [ ]Other _________

5. What music TV channels do you watch and why? (Multiple choices allowed)

TMF [ ] MTV [ ] Chart Hits [ ] Scuzz [ ] MTV Classic [ ] Smash hits [ ]

Vibe [ ] Kerrang [ ] the Box [ ] Other _________

6. Favourite 3 music videos, why?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. What type of music video do you prefer?

Narrative Based¹ [ ] Performance Based² [ ] Concept Based³ [ ] Combination of these styles [ ]

8. Does a good music video make you want to buy the track?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

9. What type of music promotion appeals to you the most?

Billboards [ ] Posters [ ] Magazine Adverts [ ] TV Adverts [ ] Radio commercials [ ] Internet [ ]

10. What do you look for in a print based advert for a music group or artist?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. What do you look for in a DVD or CD cover?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......


aged 18-23

“ You should have a goth-like theme…”-
Adiat Bucharan

Should definitely include props of some sort of funfair rides and black/grey colour scheme for the props”- Bianca Williams

“you should add additional theme colours , like red, black and white so they convey certain messages” – Sabine Newman“ your song would appeal to teenagers who enjoy indie ,pop and rock”- Ayrton Noye-George

“ I think you should try to create the narrative of the song in the video and include various performance shots and emphasize the evilness of the main singer” – Ahmed Hassan


Many people within the focus group commented that the theme colours of the video should portray the dark and Gothic tone of the song. They suggested the colours red, black, grey and white would be appropriate to use. Members of the group also suggested we add funfair rides into the background of certain shots so it appeals to the younger audience. Based upon the feedback from the focus group we will take into consideration the colour schemes suggested and definitely incorporate the colours proposed as we feel they will convey the morbid tone of the track and use techniques to appeal to younger members of the audience.

Out of 30 :23 listened to hip-hop and R&B -
7 listen to rock ,soul and gospel

16 watched MTV base and Kiss-14 watches Scuzz,VH1,Magic and The Hits
28 liked music videos with good lyrics and graphics-
2 liked good narratives
18 appealed to Internet and magazine advertising -
12 appealed to posters and billboard advertising.
23 looked for bold headings and picture of the artist on print based advertising.People look for bold headings, interesting photography, picture of the artist and a sample of the song the CD/DVD features -
7 looked for simplicity and symbols.


The "Clink Museum"- Aimed to shot in area in the evening, I have researched this and apparently at 5 o'clock onwards, there are people dressed in ghoulish attire, summoning passers by to go in to the museum, which would be ideal to shoot, as our video would suit such a scenario. Also, it would be convenient, and easy to get to, as we are shooting the carousel in Southbank, and the Clink Museum is situated nearby.

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