Tuesday 10 November 2009

Advanced production Research Task

Levi Strauss analysed mythology. Myths from different cultures from the globe seem similar; Strauss didn’t focus on the concept of myths but the structure of them. A myth is from the past, a timeless story. He also thoroughly analysed the language of the myth that it has told be told in order for it to exist. He links myth and language and forms relationships based on opposites of which provides structure.

Tzventan Torodov strived to simplify the narrative theory also allowed a more complex interpretation of film text with his theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium. His theory in a nutshell was that fictional environment begins with a state of equilibrium (everything how it should be) it then , towards the middle has some sort of disruption, followed by a new equiklbrium produced at the end of the narrative.

Vlamdimi Propp investigated traditional stories, and suggested that there are set characters and a limited number of props and action.

The 8 character roles are:

1. The villain(s)

2. The hero

3. The donor ‑ who provides an object with some magic property.

4. The helper who aids the hero.

5. The princess (the sought for person) ‑ reward for the hero and object of the villain's schemes.

6. Her father ‑ who rewards the hero.

7. The dispatcher ‑ who sends the hero on his way.

8. The false hero

Torodov’s theory will be essential for my music video as it follows this structure to some degree, for instance, Adiat and Iva will appear to be best of friends, however when the scene changes we realise that there is a destructive route, which is then resolved in implied death, or breaking of friendship, (however the audience wishes to interpret it.

Similarly, Propps’ idea of heroes and villains will come in handy as Iva will come across as though she is the ‘goody’, innocent, dressed in white, and Iva dressed with black attire, giving sly smiles as if to say ‘ I know what you did’ but behind Adiat’s back.

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