Friday 13 November 2009


Please choose the boxes which are applicable to you.Quantitative Research: questionnaire for 30 people

1. Gender? (Tick appropriate):

[ ] Male or [ ] Female

2. Age range? (tick appropriate)

13-15 [ ] 16-18 [ ] 19-21 [ ] 22+ [ ]

3. Gender? (tick appropriate)

Male{[ ] Female [ ]

4. What type of music genres do you listen to? (Multiple choices allowed)

Rock [ ] R&B [ ] Pop [ ] Hip-Hop [ ] Dance [ ] Classical [ ] Heavy Metal [ ]Other _________

5. What music TV channels do you watch and why? (Multiple choices allowed)

TMF [ ] MTV [ ] Chart Hits [ ] Scuzz [ ] MTV Classic [ ] Smash hits [ ]

Vibe [ ] Kerrang [ ] the Box [ ] Other _________

6. Favourite 3 music videos, why?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. What type of music video do you prefer?

Narrative Based¹ [ ] Performance Based² [ ] Concept Based³ [ ] Combination of these styles [ ]

8. Does a good music video make you want to buy the track?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

9. What type of music promotion appeals to you the most?

Billboards [ ] Posters [ ] Magazine Adverts [ ] TV Adverts [ ] Radio commercials [ ] Internet [ ]

10. What do you look for in a print based advert for a music group or artist?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. What do you look for in a DVD or CD cover?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......


aged 18-23

“ You should have a goth-like theme…”-
Adiat Bucharan

Should definitely include props of some sort of funfair rides and black/grey colour scheme for the props”- Bianca Williams

“you should add additional theme colours , like red, black and white so they convey certain messages” – Sabine Newman“ your song would appeal to teenagers who enjoy indie ,pop and rock”- Ayrton Noye-George

“ I think you should try to create the narrative of the song in the video and include various performance shots and emphasize the evilness of the main singer” – Ahmed Hassan


Many people within the focus group commented that the theme colours of the video should portray the dark and Gothic tone of the song. They suggested the colours red, black, grey and white would be appropriate to use. Members of the group also suggested we add funfair rides into the background of certain shots so it appeals to the younger audience. Based upon the feedback from the focus group we will take into consideration the colour schemes suggested and definitely incorporate the colours proposed as we feel they will convey the morbid tone of the track and use techniques to appeal to younger members of the audience.

Out of 30 :23 listened to hip-hop and R&B -
7 listen to rock ,soul and gospel

16 watched MTV base and Kiss-14 watches Scuzz,VH1,Magic and The Hits
28 liked music videos with good lyrics and graphics-
2 liked good narratives
18 appealed to Internet and magazine advertising -
12 appealed to posters and billboard advertising.
23 looked for bold headings and picture of the artist on print based advertising.People look for bold headings, interesting photography, picture of the artist and a sample of the song the CD/DVD features -
7 looked for simplicity and symbols.


The "Clink Museum"- Aimed to shot in area in the evening, I have researched this and apparently at 5 o'clock onwards, there are people dressed in ghoulish attire, summoning passers by to go in to the museum, which would be ideal to shoot, as our video would suit such a scenario. Also, it would be convenient, and easy to get to, as we are shooting the carousel in Southbank, and the Clink Museum is situated nearby.

The Pierces

Origin; Birmingham, Alabama

Genres; Alternative Folk rock Pop rock

Years active; 2000–Present

Labels; Lizard King Records

The Pierces are a New York-based music band. The principal members are sisters Catherine Pierce and Allison Pierce, who originally hail from Birmingham, Alabama.Over the years, the girls have been compared to well-known artists like The Roches, Tori Amos , Sarah McLachlan , Shawn Colvin , the Indigo Girls and Sheryl Crow.Born two years apart in Birmingham, Alabama, the Pierce sisters grew up in a family of seven. They traveled frequently and received home-schooling from their self-described hippie parents. Their father played the guitar in various bands, while their mother was a painter. Exposed to music and arts at an early age, the Pierce sisters grew up listening to Joni Mitchell and Simon & Garfunkel. As kids, they were encouraged to explore their creative side and would perform at parties, weddings and churches. Allison started dancing at age three, and both sisters are accomplished ballerinas.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Textual Analysis

Has a feminine appeal lilac and pink colours suggest this.Appeals to mainstream audienceAppeals to aspirersPromotes music genres pop, R‘n’B and hip-hopShaped like a mouth suggests sexual or flirtatious tonePromotes songs about love and relationships
Appeals to mainstreamers and aspirers as it promotes ‘popular music’(pop music)
OWNERS: Box Television (Bauer group /channel 4)

The calligraphy font of the letter ‘f’ suggests a sense of richness and
sophisticationThe white background suggests it targets the wealthy members of the audienceThe dark blue colour of most of the typography creates an effect of richness and simplicity.Seems to appeal to middle -class audience , seemingly white
Appeals to arguably achievers and reformers.OWNER:Global Radio

Has a rugged , gritty look, looks gothic and rebellious.Has a reckless look promoting a rebellious toneThe black background suggests darkness and angerThe dishevelled typography demonstrates the type of music televised is rock and heavy metalAppeals to fans of the rock and heavy metal genreAppeals to youth culture and aspirer audienceOWNER:CSC Media Group

Music Video Independent Research

1, The term ‘pop music’ was coined in
The first ‘pop songs’ consisted of
3, 3 genres pop has originated from are
3 Kings of pop are;
3 Queens of pop are;
The first music video ever made was;
Audiences responded to the birth of the music video with
What is being argued in the track ‘Video killed the radio star’ is that
Music videos have evolved rapidly over the past 10 years..

Music Video Analysis

Snoop Dog - Sensual Seduction

Snoop Dog’s video, Sensual Seduction’s narrative is to draw upon the lyrics of Snoop being somewhat of a pimp, a sex God, which is evident through many different scenes involving women, perhaps degrading them

The Men in the video, or rather Snoop as he is the on one (perhaps highlighting the idea that he is centre of attention) is serenaded by women throughout the video of whom are scantily dressed, perhaps connoting that he is king and there are his slaves. Snoop is adhering to an R’n’B stereotype of wearing bling, expensive looking 80s shades and a white, studded, seemingly pimp suit. Snoop has a variety of different appearances, most notably where he appears as Huggie Bear, of which Snoop starred as in the …. Film “Starsky and Hutch”. This factor could have been inserted as a way of promoting the film, gaining Snoop to have further publicity

Gender stereotypes seemed to be conformed to, especially by Snoop himself, as well as the women and definitely fit into the genre. It has been famously criticised that women have been victims of male chauvinists, which snoop seems to have taken the role of. The women, some quite obviously dressed to seem as though they are prostitutes may be glamorising this kind of taboo job, leading audiences, worryingly young women, that this type of industry is a pathway to success and so will aspire to do such a thing. A certain shot, halfway through the of a more powerful, in control and dominant women may lead audiences to assume otherwise. Supporting a fierce facial expression, dressed in a leather-heroine-cape outfit, she may be seen to taking control of the situation, and appear as if she wants to be there, meeting her own sexual needs as a dominatrix and is the object of snoop’s desires, making him weak. However, other audiences could suggest that this woman is just like any other woman in the video, fulfilling the audiences sexual fantasies, and fetishes, and her ridiculously high heels could be a product for sadomasochists.

Advanced production Research Task

Levi Strauss analysed mythology. Myths from different cultures from the globe seem similar; Strauss didn’t focus on the concept of myths but the structure of them. A myth is from the past, a timeless story. He also thoroughly analysed the language of the myth that it has told be told in order for it to exist. He links myth and language and forms relationships based on opposites of which provides structure.

Tzventan Torodov strived to simplify the narrative theory also allowed a more complex interpretation of film text with his theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium. His theory in a nutshell was that fictional environment begins with a state of equilibrium (everything how it should be) it then , towards the middle has some sort of disruption, followed by a new equiklbrium produced at the end of the narrative.

Vlamdimi Propp investigated traditional stories, and suggested that there are set characters and a limited number of props and action.

The 8 character roles are:

1. The villain(s)

2. The hero

3. The donor ‑ who provides an object with some magic property.

4. The helper who aids the hero.

5. The princess (the sought for person) ‑ reward for the hero and object of the villain's schemes.

6. Her father ‑ who rewards the hero.

7. The dispatcher ‑ who sends the hero on his way.

8. The false hero

Torodov’s theory will be essential for my music video as it follows this structure to some degree, for instance, Adiat and Iva will appear to be best of friends, however when the scene changes we realise that there is a destructive route, which is then resolved in implied death, or breaking of friendship, (however the audience wishes to interpret it.

Similarly, Propps’ idea of heroes and villains will come in handy as Iva will come across as though she is the ‘goody’, innocent, dressed in white, and Iva dressed with black attire, giving sly smiles as if to say ‘ I know what you did’ but behind Adiat’s back.

Wednesday 4 November 2009


Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secretIf one of the m is dead…

Why do you smile
Like you have told a secret
Now you're telling lies
Cause you're the one to keep it
But no one keeps a secret
No one keeps a secret

Why when we do our darkest deeds
Do we tell?
They burn in our brains
Become a living hell
Cause everyone tells
Everyone tells…

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you

Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead…
Look into my eyes
Now you're getting sleepy
Are you hypnotized
By secrets that you're keeping?
I know what you're keeping
I know what you're keeping

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead…

[spoken]Alison?Yes, Katherine.
I have something I want to tell you,
but you have to promise to never tell anyone.
I promiseDo you swear on your life?
I swear on my life[end spoken]
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…
You swore you'd never tell…

Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secretIf one of them is dead…

(chorus x 3)
Yes two can keep a secret
If one of us is….

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Codes and conventions of the folk video genre

  • Accentric setting
  • Single artist
  • Oil-painting colours
  • Interesting costumes
  • percussion instruments, accordian/trumpets etc.
  • Performance based
  • Narrative based
  • Forestry/nature location

Music Video Analysis- Goldie Inner City Life

Goldie’s video for ‘Inner City Life’ gives audiences many views on how stereotypical urban scenes and situations are represented. This is made evident through the micro concepts mise en scene, editing, sound and camera work.

The opening high angled shot of a seemingly run down council estate is an establishing shot and automatically can relate to the title of the track. The grainy aesthetic, perhaps due to the type of camera used, gives the impression of a dull, lacklustre, monotonous lifestyle. It is then apparent that the video is a combination of a narrative and performance based video as it cuts to a centre mid shot of a woman vocalist performing in black and white. The singer appears throughout the video with slight dance moves relating to the lyrics, For instance, she clasps her hands and spreads them, acting out the form or the butterfly when she sings ‘living free’ These scenes differentiates to the narrative which is in colour, perhaps clarifying that the two are separate. The miserable/ depressed looking woman, clearly a troubled single mother is shot in a cramp and dingy surrounding (council house kitchen) whilst looking at papers. With a point of view close up it is obvious that that they are bills that she cannot afford to pay off. This is conforming to the working class stereotypes, not only the council house setting, but the fact that she is in debt, a single mother and struggling.

A birds eye shot of a supermarket trolley being pushed off the top of the building could have been included in the video to represent vandalism of the youth today, an ASBO attitude. This scene juxtaposed to the following shot of children painting a family portrait as they can occupy themselves in a positive way without resorting to violence and causing mayhem.

Throughout the video there are various shots of young black men in Hoodies positioned next to the tower block. Their importance to be placed there seems insignificant, but it may be to show what the local residents look like, the Hoodies being a everyday garment worn by thugs (supposedly) however, these teenagers appear non threatening, almost as if there is a little fear behind their eyes. Furthermore, the youths playing basketball conjure ideas of working class youths being active, and enjoying themselves, as opposed to daily reports in tabloid newspapers claiming such council estates are filled with horrid children, mugging old women etc. Corresponding with this scene are lyrics ‘living free’. This could connote that their only sense of freedom is to be playing basketball with their peers.(Matching lyrics to visuals)

The convertible BMW is much of a symbol of higher, middle class status. As one is featured on the estate, one may assume that the owner is either in the drug dealing business, or that he has earned his wealth and is visiting a relative (polysemic readings) Of course, the shiny, expensive car sticks out like a sore thumb against the grimy streets. A remarkable 180 degree shot of the convertible leads the audiences to an underground rave scene. The fact that the director wanted the rave to appear as though it was directly underneath the council estate could put forward the idea the` rave is being compared to hell, perhaps the darker side of urban life.

The rave scene is mysterious, dark and random flashing lights being used. Its seems this is were the adults ‘live free’ and how they occupy themselves in their free time. The rave comes across the place that drug taking and alcohol consuming will take place. However, instead of drugs being passed, round, it is a cd, and so this could be subverting the stereotype, giving credit to these adults. A mid close ups of Goldie feature, which is ultimately used so audiences can familiarise with the artist. The ‘old banger’ being set alight could connote that working class vehicles are unable to compete with the luxurious lifestyle of the middle classes (BMW), and supposedly could be inputted to create what Marxists believe, that the working class are subordinate to the bourgeois and so have to weaken ourselves in order to please them. The laughing old men may be members of the middle classes and so are being merry that hegemony is being fulfilled (or just as likely they are in no way related). The juxtaposition of the laughing old men and the car on fire may also represent that this is what the elderly expect and are used to.

The audience is the lead back to the narrative of the video, with a birds eye view shot of the single mother alone on her bed, tossing and turning in an insomniac fashion, a attribute the working class are known to have, mainly caused by stress. Her son is then shown lying next to her, revealing that he is on her mind, and that maybe he is the one causing her to have sleepless nights as if she is worried she wont be able to support him. The young boy fades out and is replaced by a man, of whom the woman gets intimate with. This could be included to show that she is lacking a love life and these are her wants and needs. Other audiences may believe that she is resorting to prostitution in order to support her son. This scene acts like a mini montge of her thoughts and money worries, also answers of how she can deal with them. Audiences, especially working class women will sympathise with her. Similarly it could be what she is dreaming of. The woman is shown in her kitchen, angered and frustrated setting fire to her electricity bills in a careless move, the scene faded out with Goldie also holding paper which is alight, maybe representing that Goldie supports the woman, to forget about bills and money troubles, and to have a good time instead.

The video for ‘Inner City life’ acts as a microcosm of modern age urban society, in some ways conforming to stereotypes of urban youths; hoodies, vandalism and struggling working class mothers. However there are numerous ways in which the subvert stereotypes of the working class; the non drug usage children painting and the non threatening youths. The director, it seems wanted this video to reflect the difficult lifestyle of those who inhabit these estates, and so want to appeal to the middle classes so they can have an insight into the everyday life of urban life. Also, it will appeal to working classes as they will be able to recognise the situations, and familiarise themselves with them.